A Small Act of Kindness Can Spark a Revolution of Love.
Last summer, I was part of this short film entitled Spark(le), directed and produced by Esther van Zyl and submitted in the 60-second category of last year's Toronto Film Festival. Put together from casting to production in six days, Esther basically wanted to portray that despite the current unrest in the world, love still conquers all.
Mission accomplished.
Esther's aunt, Esmé Peterson, works as a chaplain in a hospital near Austin, Texas, and has been sharing the link to the film made about the ripple effect of kindness with her patients and visitors. It has since been picked up to be used in the nurses' training program as part of their orientation/coursework. They watch the video and use it to discuss the importance of kindness in their work.
"It's so amazing to see how God works everything together for good," Esther says. "How 'He gives us the desires of our hearts' both by placing dreams in our hearts and helping us realize them, because it's part of a bigger plan with the most amazing purpose - for as many people to be loved as possible. Being able to see the evidence of your purpose/dream in action is the most fulfilling, beautiful feeling I can imagine,"
To see someone's vision put together so quickly in order to meet a submission deadline turn into something this powerful, you can't ask to exceed your expectations any more than this. I was honored to be selected for this production.